Asri "Compassionate" Pramawati frustrated because her weight had climbed to 40 pounds after giving birth to his first son, Rajwa Gilbram Rida Rahardja 3 years ago. To restore the weight he changed the menu with rice at breakfast and weight tubuhya Cilembu now stable at around 53 kg.
Before pregnancy, Asri weight only 45 kg, but a few months after giving birth weight was 85 kg. "During the nursing Ibam, my son, appetite is extremely high. In 8 times a day can eat," the story of a woman who became known as the sitcom role as Compassionate Husband and Wife Husband Fear this.
At first, he considers reasonable weight gain. But after he meets new friends who also have children but her body still slim, Asri became convinced that the excessive weight.
"I was surprised because my friend had her son the same age Ibam and also give milk but her body still slim," he said.
Since then, the woman who likes to joke it decided to lose weight. "When my son aged 8 months, I direct a strict diet. Do not eat rice at all. But I'm actually fell consequently exposed to typhus. Sad to remember because if Ibam can not get milk," he said.
Then Asri was told about the benefits Cilembu friend and try it. "Every morning I drink boiled Cilembu. Also a lot of vitamins, the absorption by the body is also good and spending too smoothly so no one saved the body. Then lunch and dinner I eat as usual," he explained.
As a variation, sometimes he also ate wheat bread. "Because high-fiber I would rarely eat," he added.
In addition, Asri also exercise regularly. "I did not join the health club. Just jogging alone around the house twice a week. After all my blood type O, so strenuous exercise is not recommended," he said.
Currently Asri should be proud because his weight is stable at around 53 kg. To control the appetite, the woman who designed the kebaya this hobby routinely perform full-blooded.
"When I used to frequent migraine fat, then I did a full-blooded and apparently cured. Appetite is also reduced," said the woman who next year plans to add this momongan.
He also recalled the importance of doing a gradual weight loss. "If you want to reduce the size of the meal, do it slowly so that the body is not shocked. Now I can not if you eat too much because the stomach was used to fill a little," he said.