Saturday, June 25, 2011

Erection of Optimal Key Sexual Satisfaction

Most couples in Asia agree that erection hardness is an important factor that determines the satisfaction in intercourse.

According to the latest sex survey titled Ideal Sex Survey 2011 conducted Pfizer, as much as 79 percent of men and 80 percent of women think of erection is the most important element to obtain an ideal sexual experience.

The survey respondents included men and women who are sexually active in 10 countries in Asia. The study involved 1658 men of Asia, including 220 men in Indonesia and 1624 Asian women are 200 of them from Indonesia.

Shower Wheat Eliminate Itching

The most common cause of itching is dry skin conditions. Because it moisturizes the skin is the key to control itching. One way to get the skin moist and reduce the itching is to bathe wheat.

Bathing wheat is done by wrapping a handful of grain in a piece of cloth. Then the cloth is boiled like when cooking oats. Then use "wheat sponge" is at beredam in half a tub of warm water lukewarm.

The same effect can also be obtained from starch and soda bath. The trick, put about a quarter kilogram of baking soda and half a kilogram of starch to wash clothes in a tub containing warm water lukewarm. Stir well and wash without soap.

Thanks to Recover Faster Muscle Milk Chocolate

Isotonic drinks or sports drinks become a favorite of many people after physical activity. But the two latest studies concluded chocolate milk is the ideal drink to restore the physical stamina after exercise.

"Athletes or people who exercise for fitness alike will get optimal physical recovery if they drink low-fat chocolate milk after working out hard," said Dr. John Ivy of the University of Texas, Austin, USA, who conducted this research.

Those who drank chocolate milk after exercise also has a composition body with more muscle mass and less fat. In addition to longer endurance, and generally better physical shape than the participants who consumed a sports drink that contains only carbohydrates.

Nuclear Technology Helps Doctors Peek Cancer

Compared to several decades ago, is now an opportunity to cure or longer survival of cancer patients are definitely improved because of increased knowledge and new therapeutic cancer treatment.

One supporter of cancer treatment that is not less important is the right diagnosis. With the technology of nuclear medicine, is now to determine the spread of cancer diagnosis can be done accurately by means of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Computed Tomography (CT).

PET-CT is a colorful three-dimensional imaging to detect changes or the activity of cells in the body using a radiopharmaceutical substance.

Blessing The Healthy Blood Strawberries

Speaking of strawberries, most of us more often associate with romance, passion, or sexual libido. The fruit is first found in Chile is indeed rich in vitamins C and A. Even when compared to oranges, vitamin C in strawberries so much more.

Not long ago, experts found more other benefits of strawberries, namely to increase the antioxidant capacity in blood. Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM) in Italy and the University of Granada (UGR) in Spain found that strawberries can increase red blood cell response to cope with oxidative stress which is the root cause of several diseases.

Bacteria Make It cavities

Problem of tooth decay is one of the many diseases in humans that often occur. However, there are still many who realized that the holes in the teeth generally occurs because of transmission of bacteria called Streptococcus mutants.

Streptococcus mutants are commonly found on human teeth cavity wounds and most conducive to bacteria that cause dental caries to email.

"If people were born no bacteria Streptococcus mutants, but this is usually transmitted from mother or from friends," said Anton Rahardjo drg, MSM, PhD, from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, in Jakarta, Thursday (06/23/2011).

Junk Food Damages Brain Cells

Experts in the United States again warned of dangers of the habit of eating regular junk food or junk food.

According to latest research, food with high fat content, but the nutritional value of this zero can damage cells in the brain that controls body weight, and trigger a cycle of obesity. These findings also explain why people who are overweight are so difficult to lose weight.

In his research, experts from the University of Washington gave the mice in the laboratory with the type of food which they call "high-fat diet of the American people".

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Soursop Really Cure Cancer?

Many cancer patients believe in the benefits of fruit and soursop leaves as an alternative to treat cancer. In fact, some sources say soursop leaves are like chemotherapy and has the ability to kill cells that grow abnormally, and let the cells grow normally.

However, how the actual opinion of the medical community? According to Prof.. DR. dr. Soehartati G., Sp.Rad (K) Onk.Ra, Head of the Department of Radiotherapy, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), soursop is a fruit that mengadung antioxidants, vitamin C and higher. However Soehartati said, so far no scientific research evidence is strong enough about the benefits of soursop leaf efficacy as a cancer drug.

3P Recognize Symptoms of Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus has become a rapidly growing pandemic. The disease is estimated to cause four million deaths per year, almost equal to deaths from HIV / AIDS. Data for 2000 mentions diabetes mellitus affects 8.4 million people and will increase to 21.3 million in 2030.

Most people with diabetes (diabetes) diagnosed in the advanced state. In fact, according to dr.Budiman Darmowidjojo, Sp.PD, the situation has been further complications in the kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, or nerves. "The danger of this disease is not just high blood sugar but its complications," he explained.

When diabetes is diagnosed early, the chance to properly control blood sugar so that complications can be avoided. To detect diabetes, the major was known from the results of blood sugar. Fasting blood sugar levels above 126 and when the blood sugar above 200 is called diabetes.

5 Fear of Men in Bed

Although men often become the most aggressive in bed, in fact they are often overwhelmed with anxiety for their sex lives. Here are five factors that often makes him feel anxious in bed.

1. Mr.P Size

Penis size is an indicator of masculinity, so understanding which embraced many men. In fact, most women do not require a large size. In a survey in the Netherlands revealed only one percent of women who menggap penis size man "very important" and 20 percent menggangapnya "important." In comparison, 22 percent regard to size "very unimportant" and 55 percent said the size of the penis "not important".

Fresh and Processed Food Products Free of E. coli

Outbreaks of Escherichia coli (E. coli) species in Europe that allegedly dangerous source of raw vegetables is enough to make a number of countries to increase their vigilance that may be associated transmission can occur through contamination of food. Ministry of Agriculture as a responsible party in control of fresh foods (vegetables and fruit), said that so far not found E. coli bacteria in vegetables and fruits in Indonesia.

"This is based on observations from January to May 2011," said Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Ir. Krisnamurthi during a press conference at the Ministry of Health Building on Friday (06/10/2011) yesterday.

According to Bayu, anticipation already done the Ministry of Agriculture with forming the instrument or a government agency tasked with guarding the save, in this case Quarantine Agency. Today, Quarantine Agency has all the equipment needed to conduct tests on products that enter into Indonesia in the fresh form. "Included for testing whether food is contaminated with E.coli," he added.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Name your Sex and Character (II)


You are looking for a partner who can raise the reputation and acquire skills. You are very good against lover once you have committed. Your gifts are actually an investment partner. Prior to commitment, you tend to be thrifty and careful about spending and dating habits as well as careful with sexual involvement. You are a sensual and patient lover.

Name your Sex and Character

Computer fans, owners of e-mail address, or mailing list members may often be surprised because suddenly got mails written from nowhere origin.

Shipments writing was sometimes able to make furious, disgusted, embarrassed, disgusted, but sometimes there are that can make us smile to myself because it tickled.

Here's one intriguing item that goes into writing an e-mail editor. Although the members of the mailing list was originally read this in English, not hurt us to share a smile to a wider audience again.

It is said, according to a study, your sexual identity can be read by the first letter of your name. Do not believe that the exposition feels cornered yourself:

White Bread Making Sex shitter

For you fans of white bread, it could not hurt to reconsider your choice. Although in terms of look and feel a little more tempting, but white bread is not the ideal choice seems particularly associated with sexual activity.

With the composition of nutrients contained in it, most experts recommend that you do not eat too much white bread or other foods that contain refined carbohydrates (refine carbohydrate).

Research shows that refined carbohydrates often have a score of glycemic index (glycemic index / GI) high. GI determine the speed of glucose released into the bloodstream after consumption. Various research also indicates that there is greater risk if your frequency of eating foods with refined carbohydrates.

Much More Active Toys

Obesity or excessive weight has become one of the diseases that threaten children. Prevent by getting children more active, one of them by providing some kinds of toys at home.

Researchers from the University of Buffalo studied the level of activity of 3 children, aged 8-12 years found children who have 3 types of toys are two times more active than children who only have one toy.

Dr.Denise Feda, head of research said the parents who want to provide variety of activities in their children can do so by providing various tools of the game. "Two or three kinds of toys at home is helpful, especially for girls," he said.

More Healthy with "Intuitive Eating"

Eating mindfully train to feel what's really going to eat, good texture, flavor, aroma, and others.

No need to worry if you fall into a strong person who does not resist temptation when undergoing a diet program. Perhaps the cause is not due to lack of motivation, but because you are already hostile to the diet.

If your diet program is not considered as part of the lifestyle, then your brain will think that the days of the diet is a miserable day.

Inadequate Iron Prevent Bleeding

Bleeding during delivery is still a major cause of maternal death in Indonesia (28 percent). Risk factor becomes larger if the pregnant women suffer from anemia or iron deficiency.

Bleeding can occur due to various causes, including disorders of the uterus, blood clotting disorders, and disruption process perturbed by uterine contractions less strong uterine wall to contract.

"Because of weak uterine contractions so bleeding difficult to stop. If this occurs in an area that access to hospitals difficult course can be fatal, ie, maternal mortality," said dr.Inge Permadhi Sp.GK, clinical nutritionist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in the event Nutritalk held by Sari Husada in Jakarta (7 / 6).

Facebook Can Generate "Mood"

If you feel sad and melow, do not look in the mirror to restore mood, but go to your Facebook page. Conclusion The researchers from Cornell University found that social networking sites is highly potent to increase self-esteem.

The reason behind the positive effects of Facebook (FB) is quite clear, among others, FB allows us to install only the things that are good and fun, such as images. In addition, FB also could describe us in a positive side.

"Not like a mirror that reminds us who we are and might actually have a negative impact on self-confidence if that description does not match our

Beware of Recurrent Vomiting In Infants

Vomiting in children should not always be longer regarded as a common problem. Moreover, if this condition occurs repeatedly.

According to dr. Budi Purnomo SpA from Children's Hospital Maternity (RSAB) Harapan Kita, vomiting is indeed not a disease, but if it occurs continuously in children would need to watch out because it can be a symptom of a disease.

"Keep in mind, vomiting repeatedly and continuously on the child can be dangerous. Do not let vomiting in children practically a natural thing," said Budi in layman's seminar Recurrent Vomiting In Children, Tuesday, (07/06/2011) in Jakarta.

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Bacteria Strain Found in Milk Super

Scientists in England find a new strain of "super bacteria" MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in cow milk samples. The new strains of germs have infected humans, although believed to be the experts would not be a serious threat. As published in the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases, clusters of new strains of MRSA bacteria are found in human and cow's milk that has not been pasteurized in England, Scotland and Denmark.

These findings assessed the researchers as "worrying". However, germs are resistant to several antibiotics is estimated will not cause infection by entry into the food chain through milk. This new strain of MRSA germs found by Mark Holmes and his team from Cambridge University in England, while researching the bacteria S. aureus, causes the disease bovine mastitis in cattle.

Asthma Drug Effects on Pregnancy

Dr Samsuridjal Djauzi

I suffer from asthma since a child. At the time of SMP greatly reduced asthma attacks, only one or two times a year. At that time my doctor said that my asthma medication may be used if necessary only. Until I graduated college my asthma condition remains good. In fact, I can follow basketball. Now I've worked. I've also been married two years ago. I am now two months pregnant. Since this pregnancy I frequent coughs and colds. In fact, I also had shortness of breath. I'm afraid to drink my medicine so that the symptoms are resistant only. As a result, I had a little shortness of great and necessary treatment to the emergency department.

Outbreaks of "E coli" in Germany Beginning with the Sprout

Outbreaks of diseases caused by Escherichia coli that hit Europe allegedly caused by sprouts that grow on organic farms in Germany. Thus disclosed the Ministry of Agriculture of Germany, on Sunday (05/06/2011), following the extent of outbreaks that have killed 22 people and made 2,200 people sick.

Results of initial tests found the vegetables cabbage and other seedling varieties derived from agriculture in the area of ​​Uelzen, between the northern city of Hamburg and Hannover, as a trigger of infection in five regions of Germany.

"The evidence in the past few hours more and lead to agricultural output in Uelzen," said Gert Lindemann, Secretary of Agriculture of the State of Lower Saxony.

Beware of E. Coli Threat Stay

While in Indonesia are not reported the existence of cases of infection of E. coli strains that are prevalent in Europe, people should remain alert to the threat of bacterial infection that has claimed many victims.

Security measures can be done by always maintaining hygiene, reduce consumption of raw food and always heat the food up to a certain temperature.

According to Drs. Karuniawati Anis, PhD, SpMK, Chairman, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine), vigilance remains necessary despite the Indonesian people in general known to prefer to consume food that is cooked. Unlike the citizens of Europe who have a habit of eating raw foods, especially vegetables.

Why Sharp Sight A Deaf?

Research shows that those who have limitations in hearing (hearing impaired) proved to have sharper eyesight than those with normal berpendengaran.

Scientists in Britain found that retinas in people born deaf, or hearing loss at an early age, having a different visual organ development than their normal hearing.

This development turned out to give their peripheral vision (peripheral vision) is better, and make them get a better look while increasing vigilance against threats endangering themselves.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield said, nerve cells in the retina of the eyes of people with hearing impairment are scattered in different patterns than normal hearing.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The phone is a carcinogen

A panel of international experts says cell phones may be carcinogenic in humans. This is revealed after their examined dozens of studies on phones that have been published.

The statement was issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO cancer research. They investigated whether or not there a link between cancer and electromagnetic radiation type found in cell phones, microwaves, or radar.

Experts classify the phone into the category 2B, which means the phone may be carcinogenic or trigger cancer in humans. Other Ingredients that fall into this category including the pesticide DDT and the rest made from gasoline combustion engine.

Cigarettes Can Kill 8 Million People per Year

Tobacco is estimated to kill 6 million people this year, including 600,000 second-hand smoke, because the government did not make significant efforts to get people to stop smoking. Similarly, concerns that delivered the world health organization (WHO), Tuesday (31 / 5).

As we all know the impact of smoking on health is not instantaneous, but it takes only a few years since the first visible smoke, so the WHO says the epidemic of disease and death caused by smoking has just begun. In 2030, the number of tobacco deaths could reach 8 million people per year.

When you are hard Sleep

Everyone needs sleep. Unfortunately, there are people who have trouble sleeping. At night, when the body should be resting, they even stay awake. Can not sleep. If the condition persists, sleep patterns can be chaotic and ultimately damage the health.

Nighttime is the time to rest. After a day of activities, the body requires at least 8 hours for rest. Sleep gives the body a chance to regenerate. However, not everyone can sleep well at night.

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