Sunday, October 30, 2011

Black Tea Benefits Not Lose Great

So far, people only know the benefits and the greatness of green tea alone. In fact, in addition to green tea there are various other types of tea that can provide a myriad of health benefits. He is black tea.

Just like green tea, black tea picked from the tea plant called Camellia sinensis. Black tea is generally more tempting and contains more caffeine than tea is not oxidized (green tea).

Even so, the content of caffeine in black tea is very low and good for circulation. In addition to caffeine, black tea also contains fluoride which is good for oral health and bone.

Not Diseases Osteoporosis Seniors

Disease osteoporosis has been suffered by the identical indeed elderly. However, this does not mean that the older a person the more easily they suffer from osteoporosis.

"Osteoporosis is not an old disease. It affects more on the parents, but this disease can be prevented," said Director of Communicable Diseases Control, Ministry of Health, Ekowati Rahajeng during a media gathering with the theme "Love your bones Prevent Osteoporosis", in Jakarta, Friday (10/28/2011).

Osteoporosis is often called a silent disease. The patients usually do not feel any pain or symptoms until eventually fracture.

Sperm Eating for Agile

Sperm quantity and agility are essential for a male fertility condition. Especially for those who want to have offspring, sperm swim faster and the polynomial is one absolute requirement to be met.
Through recent studies, experts advise, to meet two conditions, each man should keep his diet pattern. Poor dietary habits such as eating fatty foods can actually disrupt fertility.
The study found that men with higher levels of trans fatty acid intake had the lowest average sperm concentration up to two times compared with other men. Men with a healthy diet has an average of 79 million sperm per milliliter, while those with high levels of fat transnya only 48 million per mL.

Seven Warning Signs During Pregnancy

For some expectant mothers, a little pain can lead to the emergence of dangerous alarm and direct visit to the obstetrician. For expectant mothers who else, the same pain sometimes ignored. They think it is a normal occurrence in pregnancy.
How to distinguish between symptoms that require immediate medical attention with a harmless, which can be a material question for you when further consultations to a gynecologist?
The consensus is better safe than sorry. Arise when signs of the unusual that makes you hesitate, call or visit a doctor. There are some signs that should not be overlooked.

Tobacco Potentially as antiseptic

Teams of students Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Natural Sciences), Bogor Agricultural University, through a study found the use of tobacco plants nonrokok innovation. The research team headed by Riska Ayu Purnamasari managed to find the potential of tobacco as a killer germ extract or antiseptic.

"Our research is proving the antimicrobial extracts of tobacco to be applied as an antiseptic. It is as an effort to find common ground that can benefit any health-related elements of society and culture grow tobacco," he said.

Various Herbs Lowering Blood Sugar

A number of medicinal plants have such an effect of insulin in the human body. Plants are excessive lowering of blood sugar in people with diabetes. Combined diet and exercise, herbs consumed after eating to control levels of blood gala.

Number of persons with diabetes mellitus lately in the country continues to rise. "One reason is the consumption of too many carbohydrates. However much the rice produced in Indonesia, must be exhausted. We should reduce the intake of carbohydrates," said Prof.. Dr. Sumali Wiryowidagdo, Apt, Head of the Center for Drug Studies Natural Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Departermen Faculty of Mathematics, University of Indonesia.

Do not dismiss Infections Contact Lenses

Avoid buying contact lens without a prescription. Inappropriate use can cause eye infections and even blindness.

In developed countries like the United States, including contact lenses in medical devices regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Purchasing contact lenses without a prescription is illegal in the country.

However, currently on the market we can easily obtain a decorative contact lenses that can give special effects on the eyes. Decorative contact lenses correct vision is not functioning but could change the color of the eyeball and even make it like a cat.

Every Hour, 15 People Suicide in India

Ram Babu, poor farmers in India, owe 6000 dollars to buy a new tractor. What is the harvest failed and this time it left no money to pay off that debt.

The debt collector was doing to her terror, and even hired drummers to get around the village and announced to the villagers about the unpaid debt that Babu.

"My father could not bear the shame, he is an honorable man. The next day he hanged himself in a tree," said Ram Gulam, his son.

Also Natural Woman Orgasm Premature

Premature ejaculation is synonymous with the typical male sexual disorders. In fact, women can also experience it and feel have made.

As with men, women who are too quick to have an orgasm or premature orgasm is not able to have sex for long because it had already peaked.

Premature sexual orgasm disorder is apparently suffered quite a lot of women. In a survey of 510 women found the Portuguese, 40 percent claimed to have suffered from sexual dysfunction. While 3 percent said the disorder was suffered or chronic.

Monday, October 17, 2011

When Men Become More Faithful Father

Men turned into a different person now married and have children. This assumption is true. Research shows, married men with children tend to be more interested in parenting than the desire to attract the attention of the opposite sex. As a result, men who have become fathers tend not interested in having an affair.

This study found that men who have had children tend to have lower testosterone levels. Certainly when compared with single men or married men who have not had children. This hormonal factors that influence men to be more focused on children and families, and reduce the propensity for cheating.

Continued celibacy Cancer Risk

Men who are single for the elderly at home was at high risk of dying from cancer. According to a survey conducted in Norway.

In the survey the researchers from the University of Oslo analyzing the life expectancy of cancer patients diagnosed between 1970 and 2007 and compared the patient's marital status.

The result is known mortality rate of men who suffer from cancer and had never been married almost doubled, ie, 18-35 percent, while the death rate of married men 17-22 percent.

Keep Clean Hands for Health

Science and technology may be making a nation be great. However, the progress of a nation will be difficult to achieve if it does not have one of the important foundations, namely health.

However, awareness about the health significance is not enough. Health Policy Research based on data from 2010, the national percentage of people who smoke every day by 28.2 percent, a household which owns 55.4 percent of new healthy closet, mothers need to check your pregnancy with 6-8 types of checks only 56.8 percent, and normal hand washing with soap is less than 34 percent.

7 Super Antioxidants

Antioxidants on the rise lately because of its ability to protect cells from free radical damage. Some chronic diseases such as heart or cancer also mentioned the occur-induced free radicals.

According to dr. Noratus Horas, from Tirtayu Healing Center, an antioxidant can include vitamins, minerals or enzymes, which exist in certain foods and supplements. But unfortunately, still many of us that are difficult to implement diet (eating) healthy such as eating fruits and vegetables. Yet precisely the source of many antioxidants found in vegetables and fruits. Here are 7 Super Antioxidants are good for the body:

Monday, October 10, 2011

More Skin Tighten with Fleece

The sun, stress, cosmetics, or pollution will cause the skin loses its malleability so that it looks less tight and aging. Skin care products such as serum and anti-aging products may help maintain the beauty of the skin.

But, did you know that these natural ingredients have been proven to restore skin's beauty. It is not possible in the future four natural ingredients is a main raw material care products.


Sleep Hormone Stimulant foods

Drowsiness which make it easier to fall asleep arise because of the hormone melatonin. Besides calming hormone serotonin, which will also help the body more relaxed so that the sleepiness is more easy to come by. If you include people who often fill the night with a variety of snacks, there's nothing wrong with changing your type of snack food that will accelerate. Here are some foods that are recommended Pooja Vig, Nutrition Experts from The Nutrition Clinic.

1. Kiwi fruit

Eating Fast Diabetes Risk?

In this fast-paced world we seem to be required to do things in haste for the sake of an efficiency. These habits often carry over when we're eating food. In fact, some studies show that eating in a hurry can be bad, one of them overweight.

A recent study proves that eating fast can lead to diabetes in the elderly. That's because someone who used to spend a meal with a number of chewed slightly and then immediately swallowed up will increase the amount of sugar in the blood stream immediately. As a result, the body will be easier to have impaired glucose tolerance, also known as prediabetes.

Cycling the Road Breathe More Pollutants

Although both are in high ambient levels of air pollution, but the cyclists breathe in exhaust gases of motor vehicles more than twice as many than the people who walk.

This was revealed after the researchers took saliva samples from 10 people in London consisting of 5 people 5 people cyclists and pedestrians. In general, no significant difference between the two groups on other factors, including age, distance from home to the highway, lung function, exercise duration even.

However, when tested, the cyclists had higher levels of carbon black up to three times higher than pedestrians.

Freedom More Important than Wealth

It feels more and more things that prove the truth of wise sentence which reads "money can not buy everything". From the results of research in 63 countries revealed that people who have the freedom tend to be healthier and happier than people who have a lot of money.

That's why, experts say, to reduce the negative psychological symptoms, may provide opportunities for each individual to be free to actualize themselves far more important. Thus the conclusion of a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

Excess Vitamin Supplements Suffered Drinkers

Excess vitamin estimated suffered by those who took daily supplements to increase intake of minerals in the body. Excess "things" whether it was also able to increase health risks.

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most people who regularly consume supplements have a good diet anyway, so in fact their vitamin needs are met from food diasup.

In some cases, people who diligently take supplements suffer from excess minerals such as iron, which in later life can trigger health problems.

Medicine in Ancient Manuscripts

Medicine is a tradition of ancestral heritage of Indonesia. In addition to reduced oral, traditional treatment methods are those recorded in manuscripts. Unfortunately, because there is not much used in medicine, the form of local wisdom is threatened with destruction of the true nature of grace.

Tersebutlah a shaman (healer) named Buddha Kecapi on the island of Bali. He is known to cure various diseases. One time, the shaman meets a strange disease that he could not heal.

Friday, October 7, 2011

11 Food Control Blood Sugar

Meal arrangements are the most important pillars for the treatment of diabetes. Diabetics (diabetics) are wise definitely want to learn to recognize foods that cause high blood sugar and try to avoid these foods.

Basically, diabetics can eat all the food like everyone else, but should be limited to contain sugar, fat, and sometimes high-salt foods. It's also important diasup watch the amount of food.

Knowingly or not, nature has provided some wonderful food that can help control your blood sugar levels. The following are 11 foods that are good for blood sugar: 1. Bitter gourd (Karela)

Steve Jobs, Pancreatic Cancer, Smoking and Diabetes

Steve Jobs is pancreatic cancer, just like actor Patrick Swayze, who died of pancreatic cancer in September 2009. Here is a little about pancreatic cancer who quoted from Sol Goldman, John Hopkins Medical Center and WebMD. This article is part of the book Fat Loss Weight Loss DIABETES notes which will be released shortly. Diabetes is associated with the pancreas.

Another thing that attracted me to share the coincidence is that I learned marketing, so it is quite familiar figure of Steve Jobs, though not a Apple user. Steve Jobs's health was observed to be interesting, because the stock price of Apple shares Steve's health is influenced by rumors.

Secretly Diseases Deadly

Thursday (6 / 10) morning, came the shocking news. Steve Jobs, the figures behind the creation of the personal computer, iPod, iPad, and iPhone, has died at age 56 from pancreatic cancer. Last week, the world also lost one Nobel laureate in medicine this year, Ralph Steinman (68), due to the same disease.

Pancreatic cancer is actually a rare type of cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates, the disease was diagnosed in 230,000 people per year worldwide, 37,000 cases of which occurred in the United States.

How to Secure Soybean Consumption

Although many experts recommend soy to be included in the daily diet, but some say the scientific evidence of this protein-rich foods should be limited. How to get around this controversy?

The experts from the American Cancer Society said, if soy is consumed regularly since a young age, then not only we will avoid breast cancer but also bone loss.

Soybeans are known to increase the production of the hormone estrogen, the female sex hormone, in the body. Therefore advised young men not consuming too much soy, as well as women who are at high risk of breast cancer.

iPad Help Children with Impaired Vision

iPad, a phenomenal output of Apple products, it could potentially become a tool to improve communication skills and eyesight of children who suffer from severe visual impairment. The experts even refer to a tablet computer creations of the late Steve Jobs could be a tool "modifier therapy of life".

Membrane disturbance of vision is severe neurological disorder caused by damage to the brain so that children are not able to interpret visual information.

Muriel Saunders, researchers from the University of Kansas Life Span Institute, doing research on how children respond to the buttons adaptive, a device used to teach children with special needs and abilities related to early language development, using the iPad.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Green Tea Prevent Hair Loss

The use of hair care products contain many chemicals that can cause hair to become dry, dull, and easily broken. To overcome this, an occasional treat your hair with natural treatments that made his own, one with green tea.

So far the benefits of green tea is known only to the body. In fact, the content of antioxidants in the drink is also good for hair health. The experts even believe that green tea can prevent hair loss. What are the benefits and nutritious substances from green tea?

1. Against "Dihydrotestosterone" (DHT)

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