Monday, August 6, 2012

Drastically Changed Wife After Childbirth

Doc, I have a wife who had just given birth. She gave birth through a difficult process. After delivery, my wife changed drastically. Until now he did not want to hold and care for our children. He was locked in my room a lot, do not want to do anything. Sometimes invited to the communication does not connect. He also sometimes likes to laugh and cry at the same time, even once when he was banging his head against the wall, he always said ga want to have kids. Sometimes he told me umtuk give our children to others. I am very worried about my wife. Actually what happened with my wife? Because before my wife was a cheerful and hardworking. Our children are ages 3 months but my wife still will not care, so we need the help of others to care for our children. What solution should I take.

Seeing Sexual Orientation of Eye

Eye was able to express interest in someone of the opposite sex or same sex. Heterosexual men will have an enlarged pupil at the sight of the opposite sex, instead of homosexuals pupils dilate at the sight of another man.

When someone sees a picture of erotic and passionate, their pupils will dilate, an unconscious reaction. Therefore, the scientists assess the pupil enlargement could be a way to see sexual orientation.

breast milk Just Not Enough for Babies Ages 6 Months

According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), six-month-old baby should be fed in stages so that adequate nutritional needs, especially for energy, protein, iron and vitamin A. Therefore, the function of providing breast milk Exclusive to the baby for six months needs further attention to the provision of complementary foods or breast milk MP.

Nutritionists from the Polytechnic of Health Jakarta II Anggraeni Dyah Ayu Purbasari when found in the seminar MP breast milk "Golden Standard

Snoring, Sleep Should examination?

Does everyone who snore (snoring) should do a sleep (sleep study) is 6 hours? I snore, but without risk factors such as obesity, hypertension or diabetes mellitus. I also during the daytime did not experience sluggish or sleepy. I fell asleep and relatively easy to get enough sleep, but when you wake up in the morning is not too fresh. Please advisnya. Thank you.

Lower the weight already but still snoring?

My husband has 44 years of age Height 175 cm and weight 78 kilograms. From the first, he was snoring up to date. Despite trying to lose weight by 5-10 pounds, but he was still snoring. What causes them and how the solution so the dock?

If I value, the Body Mass Index (BMI) husband's mother (weight in Kg versus TB in square meters) is still within normal limits. Indeed, obesity (BMI over 30) in epidemiologic studies show a strong relationship with the incidence of snoring.

Often when Children Bedwetting

At age five, children should have learned to use the toilet and urinate in control so he does not wet the bed. But some children still have the habit of wetting the bed at the age of five.

If the child has always wet the bed every night, chances are he has a small bladder size or did he not have a response capability to get up when his bladder is full. However, this problem usually goes away with age.

Delay in Walking in Children, Causes and Handling

Most parents expect their children can run faster than other children. But it turns out, in particular motor development skills actually run the normal age range from age 9 months to 18 months.

Parents should start to worry when a child can not walk when he had reached 18 months. Indeed, could walk at the age of 15-18 months is still within normal limits, but usually these children have impaired gross motor and balance disorders that light would be better given early intervention and stimulation.

Disorders alert Konsenstrasi in Last Week Fasting

Regular eating schedule, ie at dawn and breaking, is actually very good for functional ulcer disease. Unfortunately, a regular diet is likely to change when entering the final week of fasting. In this week, divided by the concentration of people think of the needs of the Eid, especially those who plan on going home.

Honest People More Healthy and Happy

To obtain a healthy body, make sure you always eat fruits and vegetables, regular exercise, and stay away from lies. According to research more honest people who are physically and mentally.

An American study showed an average of lying 11 times a week, ranging from "white lie" a kind of compliment, to infidelity or other more serious lies.

Abstinence Surrender to Face Difficult Children Eat

Children are fussy eaters often the source of concern for the mother. But you do not no irritability or stress in the face of "quiet movement" that made the child. Infants aged 8-10 months had been able to make a move to shut up.

There are several reasons why your baby is refusing foods handed. For example, because he does not want to eat it, not feeling well, the teeth will grow or thrush, bored with the food menu is offered, bored with the routine, or it could be due to trauma to the child while eating.

Effect of Diet on Skin Care

Benefits of diet did not stop at making the body slim and healthy. More than that, what you asup greatly affect the condition of your skin. Want to have beautiful skin, moist, and bright? Check out what diet is most appropriate.

Mediterranean Diet

Fish, green vegetables, olive oil, and

Healthy children and Smart, What milk?

 "Whoa, healthy and intelligent children, yes, what is the milk?" is a phrase often heard when you meet colleagues, friends, or neighbors when they were amazed to see the development of the baby. Hearing this question, would answer his milk mothers breast milk. However, mothers who give their children formula milk will immediately mention the various brands of milk, following the price and taste.

Does Obesity Cause snoring?

Is old age and obesity is a factor of "snoring"?. What's the solution?

according to epidemiological studies there is a strong relationship between obesity with the incidence of "snoring" or snoring. Snoring itself is a symptom of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA itself is characterized by symptoms of choking during sleep, so waking, snoring and daytime sleepiness.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Cow milk and stir Dangerous Not Fit for Consumption

Today many people confused and shocked dismay when later information that cow's milk is dangerous, not worthy of consumption in the long run because it resulted in osteoporosis and other dangerous diseases. It turns out that false and misleading information was processed incorrectly by some writer or journalist by reference to a claimed best-selling book called The Miracle of Enzyme by Dr.. Hiromi Shinya.
Although not all of these books contain the controversy, but instead it's an exaggeration controversial and not completely understood.

Shorten Life Depression Cancer Patients

Almost every cancer patient will experience emotional turmoil when I discovered she had cancer. Should be addressed immediately because your body has to face some physical challenges. Depression can hinder the healing process of cancer patients.

The experts at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center believes this may be associated with an abnormal stress hormone regulation and inflammation (inflammatory) gene expression. The results of this study was published on August 1, 2012 in PLoS ONE.

8 Percent of Olympic Athletes suffering Asthma

Who says people with asthma are not able to enjoy various sports activities? The proof, about 8 percent of Olympic athletes have asthma, or suffer the symptoms of asthma airway narrowing.

Wheezing, coughing, or shortness of breath are major signs and symptoms of asthma. Most people with asthma are able to control the disease effectively with medication. Asthma affects more commonly the children and gradually improved until adulthood.

This woman Accidental Swallow Knife As Laughter

A 30-year-old woman reported accidentally swallowed a knife when he was laughing. The incident began when a woman who had a history of bulimia was demonstrated in his friend that he no longer has a vomit reflex.

Then he put the knife into his mouth and laughing, that's when the knife apart and he swallowed it. Luckily the doctors managed to take a knife and there was no physical damage suffered. Previously he had swallowed a knife. He then referred to consult a psychiatrist.

Recognize that grabs Ebola Virus Death Toll 16 in Uganda

Ebola virus outbreak in Uganda, up to now reported to have claimed 16 lives. Uganda President Yoweri Museveni asked the people to avoid direct physical contact with patients, post-it attacks the capital of Kampala.

Museveni asked the people to avoid shaking hands, kissing and having sex with an infected person. Although the outbreak of Ebola occurred in many African countries, it is not possible the virus could spread around the world. So how about the actual ins and outs of this deadly disease.

Warm Love Before Stale

New love is like a fire, really pretty, really hot, and surging. But it's still just a blinking light. But the love of the heart which is more mature and disciplined like coal, burning unquenchable (Henry Ward Beecher)
Every day we eat rice, food stand a couple of days, origin is still pretty heated. Likewise, love in marriage. Love is the soul food that should always be warmed. Love can be "fresh". Love can even become "stale". Becomes very uncomfortable for those who enjoy it even repulsive. Do not wonder the divorce rate rose, love can not stand the last stale.
I do not know. Many people who get

The content of breast milk consumption Affect Salmon

Recent findings of scientists at the University of Reading and University of Southampton, United Kingdom indicates that the consumption of salmon during delivery can raise levels of important nutrients in breast milk. But on the other hand also reduces disease-fighting antibodies passed from mother to baby through breast milk.

As you well know, salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acid content, which is important during early childhood development during the growth and development. In addition to good growth of the baby's brain and eye, omega 3 also

Dawn Unfogging Stigma

Vincit qui patitur. Scars that word is embedded in the arm Fajar Jasmin (35) since a year ago. Tattoo that caught my eyes as Dawn opened the door of his house in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta, last week. Owner's hands were thin. However, fresh white face, smiling.

Who dare to suffer going to win. It reminds me to keep dare and survive, "said Dawn glanced incision in his arm. Last week, in Washington DC, United States, the International AIDS Conference is underway to-19.

Infection risk of Caesarean section Very High

Decision to do a cesarean section should be a last option during childbirth. Because the risk of infection from this operation is much higher than previously thought.

UK study shows, one in ten women who undergo caesarean infections so they should stay longer in the hospital for treatment.

Risk of infection is usually contained in stitches the incision on the seven layers of abdominal tissue. Although the majority of post-caesarean infections are not serious, but it can cause pain and discomfort.

Benefits of Donor Blood while Fasting for Body

When running fast, people are afraid of her body becomes very weak and unable to continue the obligation of fasting. Therefore, many people avoid strenuous physical activity. Moreover, blood donation activities.
It has long been growing myth that donating blood during fasting will quickly weaken the body's condition that resulted in stalled fasting alias canceled. For this reason that causes the number of donors in the month of fasting is much decreased, and blood stock in the PMI and the thinning of the hospital.

Practical Tips Stop Smoking

Our family of all smokers. Papa, Mama and seven children (all male) were all smoking. So the nine occupants of the house is a fan of cigarettes and cigars. Our cigarette consumption is different. At least one pack, and at most is Papa to 3 to 4 packs a day. Who knows how many dollars the cost of our family rooms. Papa do not mind their children smoking, especially those already working.

People who quit smoking the first time in my home is, in 1980 while he was a class II SMA. Both are poor. Why? He was given an ultimatum doctor, because

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