Nutritionists from the Polytechnic of Health Jakarta II Anggraeni Dyah Ayu Purbasari when found in the seminar MP breast milk "Golden Standard
for Golden Period" in Jakarta, Saturday (04/08/2012), said that since 2000 WHO has been campaigning for Complementary feeding for infants aged six months. Unfortunately, socialization in Indonesia late.
In fact, the baby is 0-24 months is a golden age or golden period, in which brain cells grow very quickly reached more than 80 percent. If the nutritional needs at this critical period is not fulfilled, then it will have an impact on brain development and intelligence of children. During this same period two years are permanent and can not be repaired.
"Exclusive breastfeeding is not enough to reduce malnutrition in Indonesia. Nutritional problems precisely determined during the first two years of this, "said the woman who is fondly called Beyonce.
Golden period of the term refers to a standard that includes Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) starting 1 hour after birth, exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months from birth, MP breast milk ranging in age from 6 months and continued breastfeeding until the baby is 24 months or more.
Beyonce says MP breastfed according to WHO consider balanced nutrition, especially energy, protein, iron, and vitamin A. So that the babies from the age of 6 months has to be given rice or carbohydrates, animal dishes, vegetable dishes, fruit and vegetables with creamed texture age appropriate stages.
He also regretted that, in developing the provision of MP breast milk with various streams, such as flow vegetarian, cerealia, fruit or gift from MP breastfeeding through 6 months. In fact, up Beyonce, no one type of food also contains complete nutrition.
"If the two-year period is not optimal, the risk of children not receiving the right nutrition at the time. Slow weight gain, height is also not optimal. Malnourished children and refusing to eat because they do not know the variety of food from the outset, "he said.
So also when the MP milk given to premature infants before six months will pose a risk. Baby food can be more pleasure than breast milk substitutes, low nutrient intake, increases risk of disease, as well as pregnant women at risk again.
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