It has long been growing myth that donating blood during fasting will quickly weaken the body's condition that resulted in stalled fasting alias canceled. For this reason that causes the number of donors in the month of fasting is much decreased, and blood stock in the PMI and the thinning of the hospital.
According to specialists in internal medicine from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (medicine), Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial, SpPD-KGEH, fasting blood donor may actually bring a lot of benefits for donors. When found in the "Symphony 2012: Sympathy through Blood Donation on Friday", in Jakarta, Friday (03/08/2012), Ari describes a number of benefits for the body of blood donors, especially when one is fasting.
The first benefit, said Ari, with blood sampling up to 450 cc, will be burning calories on your body as much as 600 calories. Burning calories can help you lose weight. The second benefit, the donor heart will be healthier because the levels of iron (Fe) in the blood becomes stable.
Among other benefits, the blood donated in the month of Ramadhan will certainly bring satisfaction to the donor. "Psychologically, appear to share the feelings of the people who really need the blood. This feeling can not be assessed costs," said Ari.
In order for optimal blood donated, the donor must follow some blood sampling requirements. The condition is the systolic blood pressure between 110-160 and diastolic between 70-100, hemoglobin (Hb) greater than 12.5, no fever or body temperature is lower than 37.5 degrees and minimum weight 45 pounds.
Ari suggested, the most appropriate donor is currently ahead and break the fast. Donate in the month of fasting also need to make preparations. A few days before blood donation, donors have themselves to prepare the vegetables are high in fiber, drink plenty of water, and adequate sleep.
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