Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Stress And Make Creative

I do not think there are people who want to experience stress. But actually we do not need to be "allergic" to excessive stress, due in some degree of stress would be useful to provoke creativity.

Stress is a mental response in dealing with various issues. When the body is dealing with something that threatens or pressure, there are two responses that arise, namely fight (fight) or be dragged in the threat (flight). In this condition the body will release the hormone adrenaline, the hormone cortisol and other stress hormones.

When this stress occurs occasionally it will cause the body's response is effective. "Stress is useful to stress that it is healthy or eustress," said dr.Surjo Dharmono, Sp.KJ (K), from the Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia.

Increased adrenaline before, said dr.Surjo, will make the body more energetic. The release of the hormone cortisol that triggers blood sugar will also make the energy increases. To be able to think creatively, the brain also requires energy.

"Stress is stress such a well-organized or can be called a challenge. The company actually could create this kind of stress to improve employee productivity," he said in a media event education Managing Stress and Depression with Right held by Pfizer some time ago.

High workloads can impact differently on each person. High Target is a stressor, a condition that can trigger stress. If the target is considered an expense, it will cause stress. But if we view it as a challenge, then life becomes more exciting. Stress encourages us to move forward.

In order to stress to encourage productivity, of course, companies must create a good system. For example, the reward mechanism that is consistent, giving a clear task, a model of good leadership, and much more. If that does not happen quite the contrary, employees feel stuck and do not get the settlement.

Stress is not organized it in the long term will lead to suffering. People who experience it can be depression, anxiety, panic disorders, chronic fatigue, to psychosomatic complaints.

"Stress can create a dynamic life, but stress will turn harmful if a person's ability to face problems is decreasing," he said.


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