Thursday, April 28, 2011

Recognize Symptoms of Cow Milk Allergy

Symptoms of cow's milk allergy is not always the same as other allergy symptoms. In fact, sometimes parents do not realize that her son was allergic to cow's milk.

It also experienced presenter Ersa majority (31) when discovered his second son, Malaika Talula (3) often suffer pain. "After the release of milk at 1.3 months of age, Talula often cough and cold, was treated recurrent anymore," he said.

At first, Ersa not realize that experienced recurrent cough that her baby is a sign of allergy. "I just knew after the symptoms are more extreme that there is blood in the stool, but he looks in good health," said the mother of two children.

Only when consulted a doctor and allergy tests, revealed that the actual Talula cow's milk allergy.

According to the explanation dr.Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.A (K), cow's milk allergy symptoms are very diverse, depending on which part of the body organs react.

"If the skin will give rise to symptoms of skin redness, itching or swelling. If a child can be exposed to digestion usually vomiting, diarrhea or bloody stool," he said.

Cow's milk allergy can also cause the child has a cough and runny nose or asthma symptoms. This occurs if the allergy occurs in the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of cow's milk allergy will not immediately appear after children drink cow's milk. "Not until the week after he ate the symptoms of cow's milk was visible," he said in the seminar 'Not Cow Milk Allergy Child Growth Barriers' that was held by Abbot Nutrition in Jakarta (26 / 4).

This cow's milk allergy will usually disappear before the child is 3 years, although there is also a permanent move to pre-adolescent children.

"Children who suffer from allergies to cow's milk, whether it is mild or moderate degrees should avoid food products made from milk for allergy is not to be heavy," he added.

Then gradually the child was introduced to the dairy cow to determine durability.

Recognize Symptoms of Cow Milk Allergy

Symptoms of cow's milk allergy is not always the same as other allergy symptoms. In fact, sometimes parents do not realize that her son was allergic to cow's milk.

It also experienced presenter Ersa majority (31) when discovered his second son, Malaika Talula (3) often suffer pain. "After the release of milk at 1.3 months of age, Talula often cough and cold, was treated recurrent anymore," he said.

At first, Ersa not realize that experienced recurrent cough that her baby is a sign of allergy. "I just knew after the symptoms are more extreme that there is blood in the stool, but he looks in good health," said the mother of two children.

Only when consulted a doctor and allergy tests, revealed that the actual Talula cow's milk allergy.

According to the explanation dr.Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.A (K), cow's milk allergy symptoms are very diverse, depending on which part of the body organs react.

"If the skin will give rise to symptoms of skin redness, itching or swelling. If a child can be exposed to digestion usually vomiting, diarrhea or bloody stool," he said.

Cow's milk allergy can also cause the child has a cough and runny nose or asthma symptoms. This occurs if the allergy occurs in the respiratory tract.

Symptoms of cow's milk allergy will not immediately appear after children drink cow's milk. "Not until the week after he ate the symptoms of cow's milk was visible," he said in the seminar 'Not Cow Milk Allergy Child Growth Barriers' that was held by Abbot Nutrition in Jakarta (26 / 4).

This cow's milk allergy will usually disappear before the child is 3 years, although there is also a permanent move to pre-adolescent children.

"Children who suffer from allergies to cow's milk, whether it is mild or moderate degrees should avoid food products made from milk for allergy is not to be heavy," he added.

Then gradually the child was introduced to the dairy cow to determine durability.

Coconut Green Bidder Poison, Dandruff, until Uban

Maternity Bertha Andie (30 years), employee drug factory, two years ago smoothly without any problems. Children who were born white, clean. By birth, Bertha regularly drank a glass of green coconut water every day.
Diligent drink green coconut water, so the advice parents to their children before birth. In addition to the current process, any child born will be clean as experienced by Bertha. However, not only before birth Bertha drink green coconut water. Of her husband, who happened to be a healer he knew, to cope with heat illness, she drank 2 cups of green coconut water.
Similarly, Merry, (28 years), private employee. When he was a fever because his teeth are hollow so inflamed gums become swollen, Marry will burn green coconut shell. This recipe is learned from Sinse David Sungahanda, from Lotus Clinic, West Jakarta. According to him, when burned, at the edge of the coals will be out of oil. Oil is taken with cotton rolls and rolls of cotton that he put into the hole toothache. As a result, Mary no longer has a fever and gingivitis.
Johan (35 years), computer dealers in the area of ​​Glodok, West Jakarta, also take advantage of green coconut water when experiencing constipation and poisoning bacteria Clostridium botulinum (causes diarrhea) derived from food cans. A green coconut palms, including the type commonly grows on the beach.
According Sudarman Mardisiswojo, in the book Cabe Puyang Heritage Ancestors, who have tribes palmae green coconut is trunked slim straight, reaching 10-14 meters high. Leaves berpelepah or even with the long-finned reach 2-3 feet with a stick fins that underpin each helaiannya. The fruit is covered with fibers and shells are strong enough, so to get the fruit must be peeled first.
High Calorie
Described by Hieronymus Budi Santoso, the author of books appropriate technology from Yogyakarta, green coconut water contains tannins or antidotum (antitoxin) is high. Content of chemical substances that stand out in the form of enzymes that can break down toxic properties.
Dr. Batunahal Gultom, SKM, faculty at the University of Indonesia Faculty of Public Health, advised people with poisoning bacteria Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium perfringens, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus cereus consume a young green coconut water.
After 4-5 hours drinking coconut water, Dr. Batunahal advised patients taking cathartic. The next step, patients are taking back a green coconut water. If the condition is severe, he suggested the patient was taken to a health center or hospital to receive intensive treatment and an injection of antitoxin serum.
Sudarman added, green coconut water, especially the young fruit, containing glucose, sakarosa, fructose, sucrose minerals, and amino acids, enzymes, proteins, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, vitamin A, B1, and C. Glyceride oil contains lauric acid-containing, acid-miristinat,-oleic acid, capric acid, caprylic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, and acid-kaproat.
Fruit is high in calories old, of 359 cal per 100 grams, green coconut meat and a half old 180 cal per 100 grams, and a young green coconut meat calories by 68 cal per 100 grams. Average calorific value contained in green coconut water ranges from 17 calories per 100 grams. Water content found in green coconut fruit from a number of 95.5 grams per 100 grams.
Public Benefits According to Hieronymus Budi Santoso, there are various kinds of benefits produced by plants are also called these roofs:
1. Nutritious green coconut water detoxifying, reducing body heat, and treat diarrhea due to increase in body fluids and minerals. 2. Green coconut meat to malnutrition because the drug has efficacy increase appetite.
Ways Below Its use coconut concoction is to overcome: 1. Food Poisoning Ingredients: 1 whole green coconut. How to use: Punch a hole through the tip, drink the water until they run out.
2. Heat In Ingredients: 1 whole green coconuts and 1 grain raw chicken egg. Method: Coconut fruit perforated tip, chicken egg is still raw, white part removed and the skin, then inserted into the coconut fruit. How to use: drink in the afternoon after being stirred / shaken.
3. Hot Ingredients: 1 cup young coconut water and 1 tablespoon of honey. Method: The two ingredients are mixed and stirred until smooth. How to use: For adults: drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. For toddlers: drink 2 times a day, each 1 / 2 elas.
4. Dengue Fever Ingredients: 1 whole coconut lime and 1 grain. Method: Coconut fruit perforated edges, squeezed lime. Water squeezed lime incorporated into the coconut fruit. Stir until evenly distributed. How to use: Drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon. 5. Urinary Stone Ingredients: 1 whole green coconuts and 1 raw chicken egg. Method: Coconut fruit perforated tip, chicken egg is still raw, broken and discarded and the whites of his skin, then inserted into the coconut fruit. How to use: Drink 2 times a day, morning and afternoon.
6. Sore Left Menstruation Ingredients: 1 cup water and 1 piece green coconut palm sugar. Method: The two ingredients are mixed and stirred until uniform. How to use: Drink 1 cup 2 times a day, morning and afternoon, for 3 consecutive days. 7. Influenza Ingredients: 1 / 4 grain kencur coconuts and a piece of your thumb. How to make: Fruit and kencur grated coconut. Both ingredients are evenly mixed, add 1 cup cooking water. Squeeze, take the water. How to use: Drink 1 times a day.
8. Morbili Ingredients: 2 pieces of dried coconut leaves, 1 / 2 handheld korokot leaves, 1 / 2 rhizome dringo bengle, half handheld banana leaf china, fennel pulawaras taste. Method: All the ingredients are pounded together until smooth. How to use: Used as a powder for the entire body. 9. Pinworms Ingredients: 1 / 4 grain of coconuts and 1 carrot. Method: Coconut fruit and shredded carrots. These two ingredients are mixed, add 1 cup water. Squeeze, strain the water. How to use: drink at night before bed.
10. Cavities Material: shell (shell). Method: coconut shells and oil are burned out on the edge of the fire were taken with a rolled-up cotton for cavities. How to use: Put in the hole toothache.
11. Uban Ingredients: 1 / 2 grain old coconut fruit, coconut water itself. Method: The fruit of coconut grated and squeezed with coconut milk coconut milk itself to be taken. Give salt to taste, stirring until smooth, then condensed out of the house last night. How to use: Most of the coconut milk is used to massage the scalp is gray, allow 10 -15 minutes. Some are used to wash it regularly 3 days.
12. Dandruff Ingredients: 1 / 2 old coconuts grains, 1.5 cups coconut milk, and 1 / 4 pineapple fruit. How to make: Fruit grated coconut and pineapple to take water. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, then strain. How to use: Use to wash it all 5 days.

Got no milk, Vulnerable Infants Allergy

In recent years the incidence of milk allergy occurs in infants continues to rise. One contributing factor is the provision of cow's milk before the baby is 6 months old.

Infants aged less than 12 months are more vulnerable to suffer from milk allergies. "This is because the baby's digestive system is not perfect," said dr.Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.A (K).

Another trigger is a factor of family history. If the parents suffer from allergies, the baby at high risk of suffering from milk allergy.

"If both parents are allergic the risk is high as 50 percent," he said in the seminar on Cows Milk Allergy No Child Growth Barriers held by Abbot Nutrition in Jakarta (27 / 4).

However, the type of allergy that experienced by children is not necessarily the same as their parents. For example, if his father suffer from dust allergies, so her son could actually allergic to seafood.

Although both parents suffer from allergies, actual risk of allergies in children can be suppressed. "The trick is to avoid the originators of factors, such as exclusively breastfed infants and mothers abstain from certain foods," he said.

Making the body exposed to infection without having to suffer pain is also recommended to reduce the risk of allergies. "Give a infant immunization because the body will be exposed to germs that have been defused," he added.


Clinical symptoms of cow's milk allergy are often encountered is the reaction of the skin (red and itchy), the reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, ranging from vomiting and diarrhea, or any reaction in the lungs of children are often sick cough.

Cow's milk allergy should not be underestimated because it could interfere with development of the child. "If the baby is not breastfed, the baby should be given milk formula that has been hydrolyzed milk proteins are broken down is so pressing hipersentivitas body and allergy symptoms do not arise," said Zakiudin.

Unfortunately the price of hydrolyzed infant formula that is quite expensive. Parents could choose instead of soy milk that has been specially formulated in accordance with the needs of development of the child.

"Babies should be given breast milk, but if the nursing mother has a history of allergies should avoid foods that often trigger allergies such as cow's milk, peanuts, seafood and eggs," he explained.

Anemia Threatens Child Intelligence

Anemia is often regarded as an ordinary disease. In fact, iron deficiency in infancy, especially the first 5 years of life are not addressed can lead to serious consequences that are difficult restored, especially intelligence.

Anemia, which in layman's language is called anemia, is characterized by reduced hemoglobin levels below normal according to age. Based on WHO criteria, anemia in children less than 5 years are marked with a value of less than 11 hemoglobin and hematocrit less than 33. To find out necessary blood tests in the laboratory.

Prof.dr.Djajadiman Gatot, Sp.A (K), from the Division of Hematology Oncology Department of Children Studies Faculty of medicine / RSCM explained iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a case of anemia most often encountered.

"Every age group of children vulnerable to this, but the group most highly experienced ADB is a toddler 0-5 years," he told a seminar for Iron Deficiency Anemia Action held Indonesian Pediatric Association (IDAI) in Jakarta some time ago.

Iron deficiency anemia is generally caused by factors of malnutrition, poor food absorption, the rapid growth of infants and adolescents, worm infection, chronic infection, or disease that causes destruction of red blood cells.

"Excessive pollution that enters the body also can shift the levels of iron," added Djajadiman that is currently the chairman of Iron Deficiency Anemia task force IDAI it.

Based on Household Health Survey 2001, 47 percent of toddlers suffer from iron deficiency anemia. This figure did not move much on Riskesdas 2007 that found one in four primary school age children suffer from iron deficiency. Asian Development Bank says about 22 million Indonesian children affected by anemia.

Anemia is a serious problem. According dr.Soedjatmiko, Sp.A (K), iron-deficient children in infancy have an increased risk of growth disturbance and serious long-term development, such as concentration problems learning and intelligence of children declined.

"Iron deficiency in the womb until age 2 years would interfere with the development of the branches and connections between brain cells so that the lower children's intelligence," said Soedjatmiko.

Moreover, iron deficiency also inhibits the formation of an important neurotransmitter substances to control emotions, concentration of attention and behavior of children. "As a result of children vulnerable to disturbances such as aggressive behavior and low problem-solving capacity," he said.

Although during this stage of anemia is better known for causing the typical symptoms such as pale, weak, tired, and lethargic, but in fact, according to Prof.Djajadiman, actually had iron deficiency can occur before the cause of symptoms.

"When anemia occurs in the long term, despite low hemoglobin levels, may not show typical symptoms because the body has adapted," he said.

He added, anemia does not happen overnight but through three stages. The first is the depletion of iron or iron deficiency early stage of the body. "At this stage in the body's iron reserves began to decrease but still normal iron in the plasma as well as hemoglobin and hematocrit values," he said.

The next stage is iron deficiency without anemia in which the reserves of iron, iron in plasma has also been reduced but hemoglobin is normal. At more advanced levels of iron deficiency anemia have occurred in which the iron in plasma and hemogloin value has decreased.

That is why, according to actual examination Djajadiman hemoglobin alone is not enough to know whether a child has the ADB or not. "Please also check serum ferritin levels indicating the total reserves of iron," he added.


Anemia is not addressed clearly will affect the quality of future generations because the consequences of anemia in childhood will continue into adulthood.

Currently IDAI has issued guidelines for iron supplementation to children and infants to avoid the ADB. Iron supplementation is also in line with WHO guidelines in 1998 stating that the prevalence countries anemianya more than 40 percent should be given iron supplementation without screening.

"If only rely on foods that contain iron is not enough because children have to eat foods in large amounts, whereas the stomach capacity of a child," said Djajadiman. Doing skirining on all children at risk ADB also considered too expensive.

Added by Soedjatmiko, iron supplementation has been proven safe. "Several studies have already proved, in a low dose iron supplementation is not harmful" he said. He cited the results of research in Chile to 1123 healthy infants who were born just months with normal hemoglobin levels and iron supplementation given entirely. As a result, infants who received iron becomes fussy and increased social interaction.

Iron supplementation, according to dr.Badriul Hegar, Sp.A (K), chairman IDAI, accompanied by efforts to increase understanding of the dangers of anemia and its prevention efforts. "Not only fixated on iron alone but improved diet as a whole, starting with pregnant women," she said.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make Effective Chili Slim

Consumption of foods with a mixture of chili in it, besides giving spicy flavor, it also can help overcome a weight problem. Recent research shows, hot pepper potent to suppress one's appetite.

Researchers from Purdue University, Indiana USA, found that the compound capsaicin, which gives a spicy flavor of chili, can reduce hunger and increase energy expenditure.

"We found that eating red peppers may help regulate appetite and burn more calories after a meal, especially for people who do not eat the spices," said Professor Richard Mattes, a researcher was quoted as saying Dailymail Wednesday (27 / 4 / 2011).

To receive benefits from chili, says Mattes, one does not need to try hard to change your diet. All it takes is sprinkled pepper on food in a sustainable and long term. But to support it, exercise and healthy food intake must also be done continuously.

Research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior is done by measuring the effects of spices on a half teaspoon of cayenne pepper - a measure that created one of the most common. Previous studies also examine the effects of capsaicin eat packaged in capsules, but it seems less effective.

Recent studies have shown that the taste of red peppers can directly impact a more optimal. Besides useful to reduce appetite, eating chili turned out to maximize the digestive process.

"Effects spicy chili will burn your mouth contribute to the increase in body temperature, energy expenditure and appetite control," he explained.

In this research, the ahlinmenggunakan common types of chili or cayenne. This is the most common type of chili consumed in the world. Unfortunately, not all chili peppers contain capsaicin which is not necessarily effective weight loss.

The study involved 25 people with healthy weight which of them, 13 people love spicy foods and 12 others are not. The respondents were followed for six weeks. The results showed, someone who ate chili tends to increase body temperature and effective in burning calories.

From this study also revealed, those who do not regularly eat chili also decreased hunger, especially for fatty foods, salty and sweet foods.

"Response appetite differ between those who like to eat chili and those who do not. The response indicates that a person consume unusual chili will have a greater effect. When consumption of chili to be regular, then efficacy will be lost, "said the researcher.

Fussy Babies and Psychological Problems As Adults

Crying is normal and become one of the ways babies communicate. But if he was often cranky, crying loudly and inconsolably, may be it is a sign of your baby, including baby difficult.

Excessive crying, especially in infants who are older than three months and was not caused by colic or illness, according to experts could be a sign your child may include children who have hyperactivity and concentration problems (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder / ADHD).

An estimated one in five babies who cry excessively have a characteristic, coupled with sleep and eating disorders, an early symptom behavioral disorders later in life.

The team of international researchers to compare data from 22 research carried out between 1987 to 2006 and found a link between the characteristics of difficult children with ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression and aggressive behavior.

Professor Dieter Wolke of the University of Warwick said the risk to experience greater behavioral disorders in children who have all three characteristics; excessive crying, difficulty sleeping and eating disorders.

However, parents do not have to worry too much if her baby has these characteristics. "Parents can prevent this behavior disorders as early as possible," says Wolke.

Children with excessive crying can be soothed with a way to make him comfortable, either through arms, eyes, humming or keep him away from environments that are too stimulating himself. Other studies show that babies left to cry for too long at risk of experiencing psychological problems later in life.

Beware of Brain Cancer If Sick in the Head mounting

You often have headaches which are repeated in the same head? If so, you need to suspect the pain. Therefore, it is not impossible, the pain was a symptom of brain cancer early.

Brain cancer is not as popular other cancers, such as cervical cancer or breast cancer. However, like most cancers in general, brain cancer is a disease is silent (silent killer) is dangerous.

Because of its nature, the brain cancer is often detected only after entering an advanced stage. If the pain in the head has peaked, there is a possibility, the cancer has spread to other parts of the body (metastasis). If it were so, cancer treatment becomes more complicated and risky. "Therefore, people need to do early detection of brain cancer," advises Fielda Djuita, radiology specialist Hospital Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Centre Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, Jakarta.

Symptoms of brain cancer

Brain cancer, usually, will be accompanied by symptoms that can be seen or felt directly by the patient. For example, body cramps, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision and headaches. By medical experts, this condition is called as a symptom of increased pressure within the brain or intracranial. "If you experience these symptoms, chances are, you are suffering from brain cancer," said Suhanto Kasmali, Head of Medical Services Mediros Hospital, Jakarta.

The patients who experience these symptoms, first must conduct a thorough examination of the head and brain. "It should be diagnosed as a whole because the brain is an important part of the body, but soft," said Suhanto.

As an organ of the body that regulates all body activity (multitasking), the brain consists of three parts, namely a large brain (cerebrum), cerebellum (cerebellum), and brain stem (brain stem). The brain plays an important role in one's life.

The brain is a dangerous place if the location or site of tumor development. "I'll tame, but still must be removed. However, because the brain is the organ that is soft, very risky in providing treatment," said Fielda.

More dangerous, medical experts can not conclude the cause of development of malignant or cancerous tumors in the brain. To be sure, said Fielda, if brain cancer cases occur in children under the age of 17 years, most likely, the cause is genetic factors. Meanwhile, the causes of brain cancer in adults is still in the research expert.

Based on the opinions of medical experts, the growth of cancer patients in developing countries, like Indonesia, will be massive. About 100 people of every 100,000 risk of cancer, including brain cancer. Currently, the spread of brain cancer in Indonesia arguably still minimal.

According Fielda, every day, there are approximately 100 patients who lined up to get the handling of radiology to cure cancer. Indeed, cancers need time to switch become malignant. But, it would be optimal if the cancer is detected while still benign.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Stress Triggering Body Odor?

The body is fresh and clean is one of the capital to appear confident. That's why if body odor issue of confidence can vanish. Problem of body odor due to sweat can be influenced by many things, such as stress.
Indirectly, stress does contribute to the occurrence of body odor. In times of stress the body uses different sweat glands with glands that are used when we move.
Anxiety and distress would stimulate the glands in the armpits, groin, scalp, palms and feet. Unlike the salty sweat that soaked the body when body temperature needs to be reduced, sweat when we are stressed contain fat which is a bacterial food.
Sweat is basically odorless, but bacteria in the skin and clothing breed, start the process of decay causing odor.
The solution? Get used to live all things to relax. Also, reduce the number of bacteria in the body by bathing regularly and using clean clothes. Use anti-bacterial deodorant that does not only eliminate the smell but also makes the skin more acidic, so do not like bacteria.

Establish Healthy Eating for Children

In the growth stage, children need a certain portion of the variation of nutrients with nutrition guidelines. However, in addition to nutrition in his diet that need to be a concern, eating patterns of children also should be established as early as possible.
What diasup toddler depends to what is prepared and presented his parents. If your child is never introduced to the fish and vegetables, not too difficult a child may not like healthy foods as adults.
"Parents have an important role to give examples of nutritionally adequate and balanced food for the family habits will affect the diet of children," said dr.Fiastuti Witjaksono, Sp.GK, a nutritionist from Jakarta Semanggi Clinic.
To establish healthy eating patterns for children required a long process and the persistence of parents. "You have to be creative in introducing healthy eating habits in children," said Fiastuti. In general there are three things that need to be considered the mothers to form a child's diet.
1. Total
Eat according to calorie needs, not short and not excessive. Children weighing 10-10 kg, needs 100 cal / kg body weight. Meanwhile, children who weigh 10-20 kg require calories 50 cal / kg (plus 1,000 calories).
2. Type
Fill your nutritional needs, including carbohydrates, vegetable and animal protein, fruits, vegetables, fat and milk. In order for the child likes fast food, better diet menu children equated with families so that children do not get bored quickly. That need to be modified may taste spiciness.
3. Schedule
Make a regular eating schedule. When children are eating three main meals and two snacks. Familiarize children for breakfast as well as the preparation of energy before the move. Highly recommended to involve children in the meal together. Through these activities children can observe and learn about the customs and way of good eating.

Recognize Three Phase Child Brain Development

Brain development during childhood, there are three stages, starting from the primitive brain (the action brain), brain limbic (feeling brain), and finally to the neocortex (thought brain).
Although interrelated, the three had its own function. Primitive brain manage to survive physically, manage reflex, motor motion control, monitoring body functions, and process information coming from sensing. Limbic brain to process emotions and as liaison brain and brain primitive thought.
While the thinking brain, which is the most objective part of the brain, receiving input from the primitive brain and the limbic brain. However, he needed more time to process information from the primitive brain and the limbic brain. The brain thinks the merger is also a place of experience, memory, feeling, and thinking ability to give birth to ideas and actions.
Nerve myelination of the brain take place in sequence, starting from the primitive brain, the limbic brain, and brain thought. Neural pathways are more frequently used to make more myelin thicken. Increasingly thicker myelin, the faster the nerve impulses or signals travel along nerves. Therefore, a growing child are encouraged to receive input from the environment in accordance with its development.
In addition, children also need experiences that stimulate all the senses. Stimulation and development of the senses that develop certain parts of the brain called the reticular activating primitive system (RAS), namely the area of ​​the brain that makes us able to focus attention. RAS into the entrance where the impression is captured every sense coordinate with each other before passing to the brain thought.
A person born with 10 billion nerve cells in the brain. The first three years since the birth was a period in which billions of glial cells continue to grow to nourish neurons. These nerve cells can form thousands of connections between neurons, called dendrites.
Before the four-year-old child, the primitive brain and the limbic brain is 80 percent termielinasi. After 7 years of age myelination shifted to the brain thought. Originally from the right brain hemisphere, among others, duty to respond to visual imagery.
While reading, writing and speaking, the role of the left brain dominant. The main task of the left brain is reason to think analytically and develop logical arguments based on the meaning of language. (Gloria Samantha)

Faster die because of Unemployed

Become unemployment can be deadly, especially for young men. An analysis of the effects of job loss is done for 40 years based on data of 20 million people in 15 countries.
Research by a team from McGill University in Montreal, Canada found that so unemployment increases the risk of premature death to 64 percent. The quality of the national health system had no effect on the level of risk.
The danger of premature death was found were higher in men than women, 78 percent compared to 37 percent. In addition, the risk is also greater in young men aged less than 50 years.
"Even in the modern world as it is now losing jobs to be enormous pressure for men than women," said Eran Shor, a sociologist from Canada.
He added that the man is still the backbone of the family because it is when a man becomes unemployed a family can become poor. "The impact is very big for men's health, for example, he became smokers, drunks, and reduced quality of family health in general," he said.
According to Shor, in contrast with the results of other studies that further highlights the state of health prior to loss of employment, such as diabetes and smoking habits, the study did not find effects of previous health status has little impact.
"Being unemployed cause stress and negative effects on family economic status, including access to treatment. This will increase the death rate," he said.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

12 Reasons Sleep Can Cure

In the midst of busy activity every day, there are still many among us who lack took a moment to rest. In humans, other mammals, and most other animals, regular sleep is necessary for survival.
In 1913, French scientist Henri Pieron wrote the book Le probleme physiologique du sommeil. This is the first paper to examine sleep from a physiological perspective. His work is regarded as the beginning of the modern approach to the study of sleep.
Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman, known as the "Father of the American Sleep Research", began his research in Chicago in 1920 by questioning the rules concerning sleep, awake, and circadian rhythms. Kleitman important research includes study of sleep characteristics in different populations and the effects of sleep deprivation. In 1953, he and his student, Dr. Eugene Aserinsky, discover important things, namely the mechanism of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. According to Kleitman, in the past, the benefits of sleep are often overlooked. The emergence of an understanding of the importance of sleep for health was fairly new. In fact, when a person sleeps less than six or seven hours each night, the risk of disease will increase.
Here are 12 reasons why sleep is important for your health:
1. Heart healthy. Your heart will be healthier if you get between seven and nine hours of sleep each night. It helps calm the nervous system and eliminate the stress of busy work.
2. Pressing the risk of cancer. People who work night shifts are at higher risk of breast cancer and colon cancer. The researchers believe that this is due to different levels of the hormone melatonin in people who are exposed to light at night.
Exposure to light may reduce levels of melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that protects the body from cancer. Melatonin appears to suppress tumor growth. Make sure that your bedroom dark to help your body produce the melatonin it needs.
3. Reducing the risk of hypertension. Stress is also caused by lack of sleep. Someone who experience stress can be bad if it prolonged because the function of the body is always on high alert. This causes increased blood pressure and increased production of stress hormones.
4. Inhibits aging. Stress hormones also make it harder for you to sleep. You are in dangerous circles. Stress hormones can also disrupt the balance of other hormones that accelerate the disease process and the aging process.
5. Vigilance. Sleep well at night makes your internal systems such as the immune system becomes more alert and alive.
6. Tajamkan memory. When dreaming and deep sleep is an important time for your brain to rest. Getting more quality sleep will help you remember better.
7. Lose weight. Those who slept less than seven hours per night were more likely gained weight. Lack of sleep also affect the hormone balance in the body that affect appetite. Hormones ghrelin and leptin, which should be important for the regulation of appetite, become disrupted due to lack of sleep.
8. Prevent heart disease. Sleeping during the day become an effective alternative to protect health and make you more productive. A study of 24,000 adults in Greece shows that people who napped several times a week a lower risk of death from heart disease.
9. Low stress levels. People who nap at work have much lower stress levels. Napping also improves memory, cognitive function, and mood. Sleeping during the day, which is sometimes called a "power nap", is one of the secrets of the success of the 40th president of the United States, Ronald Reagan.
10. Lower risk of depression. Sleep affects many chemical elements in your body, including serotonin. People who lack the serotonin normally would suffer depression. You can help prevent depression by making sure you get the right amount of sleep.
11. Heal. Sleep is the time for your body to repair damage caused by stress, ultraviolet light, and exposure to other harmful substances. Sleep is also a time to get rid of toxins that accumulate during the move all day.
12. Produce more protein. Your cells will usually produce more protein while you're sleeping. Molecules form the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair the damage. Sleep cure headaches or colds.

Dangers of Excess Protein

Many people who crave mengasup muscular toned body more protein. In fact, if you have a target to build muscle mass, just do weight training and increase caloric intake to about 500 calories. These extra calories should come from protein not all.
About 60 percent of weight training using fuel from fat, about 35 percent from carbohydrate, and 5 percent from protein. According Essentials of Exercise Physiology.
Consuming more than 30 percent of protein a day can cause the formation of ketones, and make the kidneys work harder, throw it out of the body. Hali ni than burden the kidney can also disrupt the heart due to dehydration, the bones lose calcium, and could even lose muscle mass.
Protein is essential to build muscle, skin, and hair, synthesize hormones and blood clotting, but diet seimbanglah best. Many athletes would absorb mengasup balanced diet with 25 percent fat, 55 percent carbohydrate and 20 percent protein.

Signs of Child Start Puber

Or puberty Puberty is a time of transition from child to adult is associated with sexual maturity. Children who at the age of puberty usually will experience changes in body shape and size.

Menstruation in girls is not the beginning of puberty, but the end of puberty

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