Thursday, April 28, 2011

Got no milk, Vulnerable Infants Allergy

In recent years the incidence of milk allergy occurs in infants continues to rise. One contributing factor is the provision of cow's milk before the baby is 6 months old.

Infants aged less than 12 months are more vulnerable to suffer from milk allergies. "This is because the baby's digestive system is not perfect," said dr.Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.A (K).

Another trigger is a factor of family history. If the parents suffer from allergies, the baby at high risk of suffering from milk allergy.

"If both parents are allergic the risk is high as 50 percent," he said in the seminar on Cows Milk Allergy No Child Growth Barriers held by Abbot Nutrition in Jakarta (27 / 4).

However, the type of allergy that experienced by children is not necessarily the same as their parents. For example, if his father suffer from dust allergies, so her son could actually allergic to seafood.

Although both parents suffer from allergies, actual risk of allergies in children can be suppressed. "The trick is to avoid the originators of factors, such as exclusively breastfed infants and mothers abstain from certain foods," he said.

Making the body exposed to infection without having to suffer pain is also recommended to reduce the risk of allergies. "Give a infant immunization because the body will be exposed to germs that have been defused," he added.


Clinical symptoms of cow's milk allergy are often encountered is the reaction of the skin (red and itchy), the reaction in the gastrointestinal tract, ranging from vomiting and diarrhea, or any reaction in the lungs of children are often sick cough.

Cow's milk allergy should not be underestimated because it could interfere with development of the child. "If the baby is not breastfed, the baby should be given milk formula that has been hydrolyzed milk proteins are broken down is so pressing hipersentivitas body and allergy symptoms do not arise," said Zakiudin.

Unfortunately the price of hydrolyzed infant formula that is quite expensive. Parents could choose instead of soy milk that has been specially formulated in accordance with the needs of development of the child.

"Babies should be given breast milk, but if the nursing mother has a history of allergies should avoid foods that often trigger allergies such as cow's milk, peanuts, seafood and eggs," he explained.


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