Thursday, April 7, 2011

Signs of Child Start Puber

Or puberty Puberty is a time of transition from child to adult is associated with sexual maturity. Children who at the age of puberty usually will experience changes in body shape and size.

Menstruation in girls is not the beginning of puberty, but the end of puberty

Early puberty among children who vary from one another, in girls begins at the age of 8-14 years and in boys begins between the ages of 12-16 years. At this time, growth and development take place quickly.
Puberty arises because the body starts producing sex hormones, so that reproductive function and body has also experienced changes.
According dr.Aditya Suryansyah, Sp.A, author of Panic At Puber? Say No, the beginning of puberty is influenced by various factors, such as ethnicity, social situation, activity, nutrition and the presence or absence of illness.
"Children who live in urban areas usually puberty faster than living in the countryside. Factors child nutrition and activity are also influential, such as child physical activity high as the athletes usually puberty a little late," he said.
In girls, early puberty is preceded by changes in the breast that look started to grow with a wide aerola. Girls who start puberty usually appear physically larger than other children the same age.
Two years after the start of the process of change in the breast, children will experience menstruation. "Menstruation in girls is not the beginning of puberty, but the end of puberty. After mens reproductive organs of the child is able to function which means the child has become pregnant despite not yet psychologically ready," said dr.Adit.
Meanwhile, the boys, puberty begins with testicular enlargement, penile growth, pubic hair growth and voice changes. Wet dreams in boys usually occur two years after puberty.
During puberty, the body is very keen to produce growth hormone. Activity of this hormone produce oil that covered the pores and then mixed with the bacteria that cause acne. This situation may last several years during adolescence.
Although puberty is a natural process, but not all teenagers and parents prepared for this phase. "Many feel panicked because they do not understand the changes that happened, on the other hand children also confused should complain to anyone because of shame to ask his parents," he said.
Karenan lack of communication between children and parents, many teenagers seek information from friends sebanyanya. In fact, the information is often wrong. Louisa Maspaitella, M. Psi, psychologist, suggested that parents monitor the signs of puberty in children.
"Parents should equip themselves with information so they can give proper explanation to the children around issues of puberty. Do not even scare or cover up because it was taboo to talk about sex to children," he said.


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