Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Every Minute Check Cell Phone, Cell Phone Users a New Habit

Maybe at first you buy a smart phone to make contact with others within and meningkatkatkan no productivity. But without realizing it now you can not spend 5 minutes without peeking smartphone, whether it's seeing an incoming message or change the status in social networking.

Symptoms could not resist the urge to check your cell phone is not only experienced it. A study published in the journal Personal and Ubiquitous Computing suggests that habit is present everywhere.

Researchers study finds most smartphone users now have a new habit which is called "checking habits" alias constantly checking email, messaging or other applications such as Facebook or Twitter.

Mentioned an average of less than 10 minutes they were "itching" to check his cell phone. The average respondent in the study were checking their phones 34 times a day, not because there is an important, but because it had become a habit or is there a boost.

"Encouragement is very difficult to avoid. In fact, most do not realize what was dilakuannya therefore an unconscious habit," said Loren Frank, neuroscietist from the University of California, Los Angeles.

As an unconscious habit, according to Frank it happens through two processes. First, the brain like the feeling when he received the email.

Incoming messages to mobile phones is something new and often unpleasant contents, such as orders to buy our merchandise or perhaps praise from colleagues for the success of a project.

"Every time we got an email there is a small jolt, a positive feedback that we are important. This could be a kind of addiction," says Frank.

When the brain becomes accustomed to the positive feedback, hand searching the mobile phone into an automatic thing even though we did not intend. According to Frank, the desire to always check the phone from the striatum, part of the brain that regulate habits of action.

Intermittently checking smart phones certainly have a negative impact on real life. Call it, the couple felt neglected, decreased work productivity, or so rarely pay attention to those around us.

Clifford Nass, professor of communications and computer science from Stanford University argues basically people do not like to think hard.

"The habit of checking the phone is a way to not have to think hard but we feel like doing something," he said.

If you have entered in the check cell phone addiction, you should stay away from the phone several hours a day. If it makes you uncomfortable, start with 10 minutes.

Make a list of phone-free zones, for example in the room or when you are in social situations such as when with friends or family. Resist the urge to always be staring at your phone's screen.



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