Saturday, June 25, 2011

Bacteria Make It cavities

Problem of tooth decay is one of the many diseases in humans that often occur. However, there are still many who realized that the holes in the teeth generally occurs because of transmission of bacteria called Streptococcus mutants.

Streptococcus mutants are commonly found on human teeth cavity wounds and most conducive to bacteria that cause dental caries to email.

"If people were born no bacteria Streptococcus mutants, but this is usually transmitted from mother or from friends," said Anton Rahardjo drg, MSM, PhD, from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia, in Jakarta, Thursday (06/23/2011).

Streptococcus mutants is the type most likely to cause cavities throughout the world than all other oral streptococci. These bacteria survive from a group of different carbohydrates. When sugar is metabolized to other energy sources, microbes produce acids that cause cavities in teeth.

Age between 11-33 months, according to Anton, was a time that is prone to transmission. Thus, if the vulnerable age a child is not infected with bacteria, the future is unlikely they will run the risk of cavities.

Transmission of the bacteria destroyer teeth in children, said Anton, most often due to habits of society that has not been realized. For example, when mothers give their children eat, the mother will usually be a first taste of what is cool or not. In addition, it could be because parents are often kissed her child, especially in the mouth.

"This is what causes the bacteria to the infected mother to child before," for short.

Anton explained, the cavities can also affect the developing brain (intelligence) and the nutrition of a child. "There have been studies in the Philippines found no relationship between tooth cavity with body mass index. So, if many of the holes tend to be thin. And, of missing teeth was also related to intellectual," he explained.

According to Anton, now many studies that lead to the dental health of a person's quality of life. "When the teeth have grown, and must be taken not to hole. From a small child must have a toothbrush. Teeth hole there are three causes, carbohydrates, dental, and germs. If all three stuck to it so the hole," he said.


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