Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Inadequate Iron Prevent Bleeding

Bleeding during delivery is still a major cause of maternal death in Indonesia (28 percent). Risk factor becomes larger if the pregnant women suffer from anemia or iron deficiency.

Bleeding can occur due to various causes, including disorders of the uterus, blood clotting disorders, and disruption process perturbed by uterine contractions less strong uterine wall to contract.

"Because of weak uterine contractions so bleeding difficult to stop. If this occurs in an area that access to hospitals difficult course can be fatal, ie, maternal mortality," said dr.Inge Permadhi Sp.GK, clinical nutritionist from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in the event Nutritalk held by Sari Husada in Jakarta (7 / 6).

Anemia, which is marked with hemoglobin levels less than 11/dl, should be wary. According dr.Inge actually this condition can be prevented by sufficient iron (Fe) since pre-pregnancy.

"Healthy lifestyles should have done long before we are planning a pregnancy. The trick is to eat a balanced nutrients, especially iron, calcium, folic acid and omega 3 during pregnancy," he explained.

Poor diet before pregnancy, such a strict diet or malnutrition will also lead to anemia. "Consumption of natural sources of iron either the animal or vegetable. Sources of animal origin such as meat is more easily absorbed by the body," he added.

Women who have adequate iron reserves before pregnancy would prevent the baby anemic. Babies who suffer from anemia are more susceptible to disease and the capacity to think more slowly than healthy children.


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