Thursday, June 2, 2011

The phone is a carcinogen

A panel of international experts says cell phones may be carcinogenic in humans. This is revealed after their examined dozens of studies on phones that have been published.

The statement was issued by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the WHO cancer research. They investigated whether or not there a link between cancer and electromagnetic radiation type found in cell phones, microwaves, or radar.

Experts classify the phone into the category 2B, which means the phone may be carcinogenic or trigger cancer in humans. Other Ingredients that fall into this category including the pesticide DDT and the rest made from gasoline combustion engine.

Last year in fact been carried out large-scale studies but found no link between cancer and mobile phones. But some advocacy groups to study and demonstrate the link between the use of mobile phones that are too often with brain cancer glioma type, which although rare but lethal.

However, these studies are considered controversial because it begins at the time of those who already have cancer and then interviewed again how often they use the phone in recent years.

In more than 30 studies conducted in Europe, New Zealand and the United States, brain cancer patients are not reported frequently use mobile phones compared with healthy people.

It is estimated that 5 billion people worldwide use mobile phones, or about three-quarters of global population. Because it is very difficult to make comparisons between brain tumor patients who used their phones and what not.

However, tumors and cancer is a disease that long journey, so it is not appropriate as well if called phone does not have long-term impact on health.

The phone sends a signal to the nearest tower via radio frequency waves, the same type of FM radio waves and microwaves. But cell phone radiation is not directly damage DNA and different types of radiation are more powerful as X-rays or UV rays. At a higher level of radio frequency waves from mobile phones can create network hot, but not to damage the body's cells.

According to Cancer Research UK, the real dangers of cell phone use is a car accident. This group also recommends that adolescents aged less than 16 years of only using the phone for important things only because their brains and nervous systems are still in development.

Research conducted the National Institutes of Health, U.S. revealed posnel use could improve brain activity, but not yet concluded whether it has harmful effects.


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