Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Beware of Recurrent Vomiting In Infants

Vomiting in children should not always be longer regarded as a common problem. Moreover, if this condition occurs repeatedly.

According to dr. Budi Purnomo SpA from Children's Hospital Maternity (RSAB) Harapan Kita, vomiting is indeed not a disease, but if it occurs continuously in children would need to watch out because it can be a symptom of a disease.

"Keep in mind, vomiting repeatedly and continuously on the child can be dangerous. Do not let vomiting in children practically a natural thing," said Budi in layman's seminar Recurrent Vomiting In Children, Tuesday, (07/06/2011) in Jakarta.

Vomiting is the rapid expenditure of stomach contents through the mouth, which is divided into three phases namely, nausea (nausea), Retching (voice movement before vomiting), and emesis (vomiting). Vomiting, said Budi, in general can be divided into two groups: normal and abnormal. Vomiting is abnormal (obstruction) usually occurs because of blockage of the intestine.

"Signs of danger from it if there is vomiting of blood, the color green, and dehydrated," he explained.

According to Budi, GERD (gastro esophageal reflux) is one of the first symptom of disease characterized by vomiting. GERD itself can lead to inflammation of the throat. Thus making it harder to eat, and cry every time you want to eat.

Budi said, strep throat can occur because of the influence of gastric fluid is sour.

"Because these gastric juices rise to the top and is acidic so that it can damage the throat channel. As a result children are difficult to eat," he explained.

For treatment, Budi suggested that attention to three main guidelines, namely the provision of drinking the correct technique (a little but often), sleep position 30 degrees so that GERD is not increased, and administration of drugs.


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