Friday, July 1, 2011

Boost Energy With Exercise

Many people who avoid sports for reasons not to tired. In fact, when we feel lethargic and weak the best thing to do is exercise. Exercise is a great way to increase your energy and fight the feelings of fatigue.

One's energy levels generally depend on various factors such as genetics, nutrition, sleep behavior, and emotional anxiety. Several factors are generally difficult to control. But there is one factor that really you can control, namely sports. So, to increase energy levels, you have to spend time with exercise.

Why Exercise Increase Energy?

A person's energy level depends on the ability of muscle tissue to produce more energy, which in turn also depends on oxygen. Oxygen is carried throughout the body by the blood. When you exercise, your heart rate will increase. This situation will increase the flow of blood that carries oxygen and nutrients to all tissues. Increased blood circulation also provides more oxygen to the brain, so that makes you feel better both mentally alert and energetic.

In addition, if you exercise regularly, enzymes in the body will increase the use of glucose. This will help fight the damaged energy, so you have a strong immune system.

Researchers from the University of Georgia research to assess the effect of exercise on increasing energy. The first group are those who do aerobic exercise 20 minutes of moderate intensity three times a week within six weeks.

The second group did aerobic exercise with low intensity with the same period of time. The third group, do not exercise at all.

At the end of the study, both the first and the second group experienced an increase in energy by 20 percent compared with the third group. The study is published in the Swiss medical journal Psychotherapy and Psychosomatic.

Other studies from the Psychological Bulletin is also showed the results not much different. In that study note that regular exercise can reduce fatigue and increase energy, even among people who suffer from chronic medical conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

Exercises That Boost Energy?

To improve the energy does not need to go to places where fitness. You can exercise anywhere without having to incur expensive costs. Here are some types of exercises that can get you started,

 * Runs: Road for 20 minutes every day is great to help work your heart.

* Take the Stairs: Avoiding berlalih elevator and use the stairs a few times can also give you a boost of energy.

* Dancing: Listening to music by moving your whole body will be fun while providing many health benefits.

As for other activities that can be done such as, playing basketball, soccer, tennis, swimming, hiking, cycling, can also offer the same benefits. However, if you have not been exercising because of one thing after another like a disease, better consult your physician first before doing strenuous physical exercise.



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