Sunday, July 3, 2011

Low Fat-Free Means No Diabetes

Body fat is currently a topic of interesting discussion. Hundreds of scientific journals and health articles repeatedly mentions the dangers of body fat on health, including the charge on the occurrence of diabetes and heart attacks.

It is true that excess body fat is dangerous, but it does not mean people who have little body fat will be free from harm.

A study conducted by a consortium of international scientists found that a low body fat levels does not guarantee a person is free from heart disease and diabetes. They found the gene that causes low body fat is associated with an increased risk of chronic disease.

Scientists say that people, especially men, who carry the gene type may have a low body fat percentage, but at the same high bersiko suffering from diabetes and heart disease.

In his research experts to observe the genome of 75,000 people to find genes that determine the amount of fat in the human body. The gene is called IRS1, was associated with a high sugar levels and cholesterol.

The gene is only to reduce fatty deposits under the skin and people who have this gene can not store more subcutaneous fat so the fat accumulates around the organs. This visceral fat will interfere with the function of organs.

The researchers also found men are more prone to risk than women. Because the body stores less fat men making it more sensitive to changes in fat distribution.


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