Friday, July 27, 2012

6 Drinks Can Make It Lean

In an effort to lose weight, choose the right foods is as important as diet and exercise. Talk about drinks, there are also drinks that can help streamline. Six drinks in the example below.

A. Drinking water

Staying hydrated is important when you are trying to lose weight. Drinking enough water will help the body maintain fluid balance and even increase feelings of fullness so you eat less. But if plain water boring, Ceramic by mixing fresh fruit such as citrus fruits, and other low-calorie to give flavor to your drinking water.

2. Watermelon Smoothie

During this beverage is made without any mixture of sweeteners such as sherbet, smoothies or mashed fruit can be the right choice to keep your body hydrated. One choice is the watermelon. In addition to functioning as a natural hidrator and rich nutritional content, watermelon also contain lycopene, which can fight cancer, as well as the amino acid known as arginine. A study in the Journal of Nutrition found that arginine can reduce body fat and increase muscle mass.

3. Peppermint ice tea

In addition to refreshing thirst, drinks can also be a powerful weapon to flatten the tummy fat. Peppermint can help you in processing belly fat, and make sure the fat is digested more quickly, thus helping to prevent flatulence.

4. Pineapple Smoothie

Smoothies are a great way to make fruit into your diet - especially for children. Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins, improving digestion, and cast bloat the abdomen.

5. Green tea

In addition to reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer, green tea benefits to the entire body and contains catechin, an antioxidant which studies show can help reduce abdominal fat. If you drink green tea before exercise, this compound can also help increase fat burning during aerobic exercise.

6. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is different from other types of chocolate. This type of chocolate can help streamline your body as it reduces appetite and lowers the overall appetite for snacking. Dark chocolate contains large amounts of flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. Studies show that antioxidants can prevent blood clots, slow oxidation of LDL cholesterol, and reduce inflammation.


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