Friday, July 27, 2012

8 Amazing Benefits of Banana

There are many reasons to get you started loving bananas. In addition to readily available and relatively affordable price, the banana has a myriad of health benefits. The fruit is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, and calcium. Bananas also contain vitamin, namely C, B complex, B6, and active as neurotransmitter serotonin in the smooth functioning of the brain.

Here are eight reasons why you should add more bananas into your daily diet:

A. Healthy digestive tract

Bananas contain fiber, carbohydrates that help regulate the body's digestive system by helping to maintain regular bowel movements regular. Bananas also contain pectin, which helps to improve overall digestion and prevent constipation. Not only that, bananas also have a natural antacid effect, which helps prevent the recurrence of ulcer disease. Regularly eat bananas also help reduce the risk of gastric cancer. If you have stomach problems, try adding bananas to your diet, to help with digestive problems.

2. The best sources of potassium

Eating a banana is the easiest way to obtain adequate body potassium. The potassium in bananas has a calming effect on the mind was too late. High stress levels tend to deplete potassium levels in the human body. By eating a banana, we can help maintain the balance of potassium in the body caused by stress.

3. Improve renal function

Potassium in bananas has good side effects to the kidneys. When your body is getting enough potassium, your body will control the spending of calcium in the urine. This condition will make your kidneys are still functioning well, while also reducing the risk of kidney stones. Keep in mind that bananas have high levels of high antioxidant phenolic compounds, which act to help protect the kidneys.

4. Strengthen bones

Bananas contain prebiotics called fructooligosaccharide. Fructooligosaccharide allows our body to absorb nutrients more easily. That means that the banana will help your body absorb calcium, thus providing you with strong bones. In fact, the potassium in bananas can help prevent calcium loss, which means that you have a lower risk for developing osteoporosis later in life.

5. Lower blood pressure

Doctors often advise patients with high blood pressure (hypertension) to add more bananas into their diet. Why? Due to the high potassium and low sodium in the banana is a good combination to prevent high blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

6. Increase energy

Bananas are rich in healthy carbohydrates that act helps increase energy. Eating bananas at breakfast or after a strenuous workout may be the best way to increase your energy without consuming sugar-sweetened beverages.

7. Healthy vision

Eat a banana every day can provide great benefit to vision. Eat at least three servings of fruit per day may lower the risk of impairments associated with age or so-called macular degeneration. A person who ate three or more servings of fruit per day 36 percent less likely to suffer from macular degeneration than those who consumed less than 1.5 servings a day. It's never too late to start eating bananas to prevent further vision loss.

8. Affect mood

Bananas have tryptophan, an amino acid compound that helps the body produce serotonin. This neurotransmitter helps you to feel calm and stabilize mood (mood) in nature.


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