Monday, July 30, 2012

Down Syndrome During Pregnancy tests Reaping Criticism

Swiss government's decision to allow the test to detect chromosome abnormalities in fetuses with Down syndrome controversy. The test is considered will lead to more abortions if the fetus was shown to down syndrome.

Tests Down syndrome (DS) was conducted by taking blood samples of pregnant women to determine whether there is a genetic abnormality on chromosome number 21, or called trisomy 21. Test with a blood sample is claimed to not risk compared with conventional tests such as amniocentesis which requires a sample of amniotic fluid.

According LifeCodexx, companies that conduct such tests, the demand for DS screening tests in Switzerland is high, both from the doctors or pregnant women. A similar test has been marketed in Germany, Austria, and Lieschtenstein.

In Switzerland, the screening test is included in health insurance reimbursement. According to the plan such tests will be conducted from mid-August.

Screening plan was criticized by the international federation of Down Syndrome and has filed an objection to the court of human rights in Europe. Federation representing 30 associations in 16 countries confirms the importance of protecting the right to life of people suffering from Down syndrome and other disabled people.

Physical signs of people with Down syndrome mongoloid face, short nose, mouth open, tongue protruding, distance dilated pupils, abnormal ear shape and muscle weakness. In general, DS children have delays in growth and development.


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