Monday, July 30, 2012

Effects of Stroke in Women More Dangerous

Recent research shows, women tend to have worse quality of life of stroke or ministroke botched attack than men. That dungkapkan scientists in Sweden who published his findings in the Journal of Clinical Nursing.

In his observations, the researchers recruited 379 stroke patients and 117 patients a transient ischemic attack (TIA), or ministroke. Then the patients were asked to answer a survey about the quality of life-as measured from the physical, emotional and social aspects of their health.

Ministroke or temporary stroke is a condition in which there is cessation of blood supply of the brain, but in a short time. Typically, symptoms will improve after the attacks stopped.

Research results showed that female stroke patients had significantly lower scores than men on five out of six aspects of quality of life, associated emotions, sleep, energy, pain and mobility.

In terms of specific issues, women are more likely to experience problems with the household than men (56 percent vs. 36 percent) after the occurrence of stroke. On the other hand, men are more likely to have problems with sex than women (34 percent vs. 19 percent) botched stroke.
Meanwhile, ministroke in female patients tend to worsen the quality of all aspects of their lives, when compared to men. In particular, ministroke effects may be more pronounced in women than men, especially in terms of domestic life (48 percent vs. 20 percent), family (13 percent versus 0 percent), and in leisure activities (42 percent vs. 23 percent).

"Our study shows, stroke in women will further affect the quality of their lives when compared to stroke in men," said Dr. Ann Charlotte Laska, of Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm.

"These findings also indicate, ministroke in women will affect their quality of life as well as stroke, thus requiring the same support in terms of treatment after their discharge from the hospital," he added.


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